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A million get the message to Recycle Right

It is estimated that a campaign designed to help boost recycling across the Liverpool City Region has been seen over a million times.

Launched in October 2021 and run through into March 2022, Recycle Right adverts reminding people of what they can and should recycle have appeared throughout Liverpool City Region on buses, local radio and newspapers, outdoor telephone kiosks and digital outdoor displays, ASDA supermarkets, and on social media. It is estimated that the adverts have been seen and heard well over a million times*.

The advertising is part of Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority’s Recycle Right campaign which was launched in 2018 to help increase awareness of recycling issues. This includes letting people know what can be recycled where, preventing bagged waste and unwanted materials being put into recycling bins, and highlighting what options people have when it comes to recycling and managing their household waste.

Carl Beer, Chief Executive at Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority (MRWA), said: “Recycle Right was launched to help highlight recycling options that people have and ultimately increase the region’s recycling rate. The campaign and all the messaging is a reminder to everyone about what they can recycle and where they can recycle it.

“A lot of us do the right things most of the time, but with the region’s recycling level at 35% there is more we can all do.”

Councillor Tony Concepcion, Chairperson of MRWA, said: “We want more people to recycle more things more often. Hopefully residents have seen or heard these messages and taken them on board. Of course, we realise that not everyone will have come across an advert, and even if they have it won’t have changed everyone’s behaviour. However, we will continue to push recycling messages because managing materials and resources sustainably is key in the fight against climate change and having a local environment we can all be proud of.”


Notes for editors

Image captions:

MRWA_RECYCLERIGHT_FEB 2022A & MRWA_RECYCLERIGHT_FEB 2022B – Recycle Right artwork at Liverpool Central train station, February 2022
MRWA_RECYCLERIGHT_MAY 2022 – Left to right- MRWA Development Manager Rebecca Haynes-McCoy, and MRWA Education and Campaigns Officer Danni Millar

* Campaign 1 (Oct to Nov 2021):
• RADIO ADVERT / DIGITAL INSTREAM: An advert to reach 548,000 people, who are estimated to hear the advert 13 times each either in real time on the radio or when listening online via a streaming service
• DIGITAL STREETHUBS: digital advert with 512,000 Impacts
• BUS REARS: poster advert with 1,175,940 Reach
• BUS INTERIORS: poster advert inside buses, with 889,000 users
• KIOSKS (PHONEBOOTHS): poster adverts, with 2.3 million impacts
• METRO NEWSPAPER: 3 newspaper adverts/advertorials, 39,000 readership per issue

Campaign 2 (Jan to Feb 2022):

• DIGITAL RADIO: 450,000 advert plays over geographically-local digital radio

Campaign 3 (Feb to March 2022):

All figures were accurate at the time of the campaign.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority is responsible for the disposal of municipal waste on Merseyside. Established in 1986 following the abolition of Merseyside County Council, it is a statutory Authority that works with all the local authorities on Merseyside – Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. MRWA takes a lead in advocating recycling, waste minimisation and safe and effective disposal of waste for Merseyside residents.

Members of the media for more information please contact:

John Lally | Communications and Development Officer | 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP
Office: 0151 255 2568 | Email: